Once you have honed your ideas about the kinds of jobs or career you want to pursue, boost your potential to land those opportunities by doing some further preparation.
By beginning this research nine to 12 months before exiting the military, you can accomplish more than identifying some companies to target in your job search. You can develop a deeper understanding of the types of job opportunities that exist in your chosen career path and the skills that employers are seeking in applicants. With that knowledge and nearly a year of military service remaining, you can augment your skills and hone your resume to improve your chances to land the job you really want.
The Internet, of course, provides tons of information about employers – including information on company websites, LinkedIn pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube channels and other social media. Check out articles about those employers in industry publications or commentary about them on career sites, such as monster.com.
Your research into career options, job openings and potential employers may reveal some areas where you could benefit from some additional training, certifications or other job skills. By starting to plan your civilian career nine to 12 months before leaving military service, you can lay plans to enhance those skills (possibly even before you transition out) and boost your ability to land the civilian job you desire. Some steps that can assist this process include: