
ThinkstockPhotos-472514012 PAINTTransitioning from military service to a civilian career is a huge life change. The possibilities for creating a new career and new life as a veteran are boundless. But getting that new career off to a successful start requires ample preparation, a tactical job search and the ability to overcome a few challenges.

You can smooth the process and improve the success of your transition from a military to civilian career by focusing on a few things:

  • Start preparing early (9-12 months in advance) for your civilian career
  • Execute a thoughtful, targeted job hunt and assess your job options thoroughly
  • Prepare to preserve or increase your security clearance

The Project Scope initiative is designed to give you the information you need as you make this transition. Project SCOPE is funded by a $4.3 million US Department of Labor National Dislocated Worker Grant, awarded to Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation’s Military Corps Career Connect.